Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Company Party at Autobahn

Tonight my company rented the Le Mans track at Autobahn for three hours for our 7th Anniversary Party. I ended up doing a total of eight races. I had some pretty stiff competition, and it was a lot of fun. I'm pretty sore from racing so much though. Hopefully I can still move when I wake up tomorrow morning.

One of the fun things about going to Autobahn with (non-racer) buddies/co-workers is getting to expose so many new people to racing and going fast. I'm guessing we had about 25 people there tonight. It seemed like everyone was having a great time trying it out. Some of the races (coincidentally, the ones with the company owner) involved a ton of bumping and black flags, which was fun to watch. The downside of all the newbies is having to navigate the slow traffic out there on track. It can get pretty crowded, and finding clean laps to post good times can be a challenge. But, it's worth it to be able to share the fun of karting with that many more people.

The big surprise of the night was that another guy at the company did have some experience at Autobahn and was every bit as fast as I was (which is to say, faster than I was). I was feeling pretty good about myself after my first heat, being a full second faster than the next guy in my group. Then I see Jacob post a lap time six tenths faster in the next heat! I spent the rest of the night trying (mostly failing) to catch up to Jacob's lap times.

Between heats, I talked to Jacob about how he was taking certain turns on the track. I also caught a couple brief glimpses of how he was taking certain turns, before he sped off into the distance. I gradually brought the gap down from one second to 3 tenths, then finally with the aide of traffic and kart luck I managed to beat Jacob in a heat.

Then as the evening was winding down, we got out there with a fast group, I had a great kart, and we got tons of green-flag racing with very little traffic issues. I managed to post the 6th fastest time of the week, besting Jacob's fast time of the day by seven thousandths of a second!

It was a great evening of racing, even though I'm going to be pretty sore tomorrow. It was fun karting with so many friends from work. It was fun meeting new people in the company. It was fun having some other fast people there to race with. And it was great digging deep, putting some fast laps together, and somehow miraculously coming out with the fast lap of the day.

Gotham Dream Car Sprint

This past Sunday, I got to do something I've dreamt about since I was a little kid: Drive a Ferrari! And boy did I drive it. And a Lamborghini too! And it was even better than I imagined.

For Valentine's Day, my wife got me a groupon for $125 for the "Dream Car Sprint" from Gotham Dream Cars. From their website, it's described as an "autocross event" where you can "open [the car] up for the thrill of a lifetime." Sounds totally awesome, and I was excited, but part of me was worried that "open it up" would really translate to "no wait don't go too fast" when it came to the reality of the event. I also had no idea what cars would be there, or what the track would be like. Luckily I had done a little bit of autocross this year (just for this reason!) so I at least knew a little bit about driving around cones. Otherwise though, I really wasn't sure what to expect.

My appointment was at 10am, and when I got there I saw a beautiful gray Ferrari 430 and an even more gorgeous bright orange Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder. Only one problem - they were going so slow! Whoever was driving them was really crawling around the track. This was not a good sign.

I got registered, which was super smooth and easy. The guy said my groupon included 4 laps in the car of my choice. Or, I could add another 4 laps, in either car, for $75 extra. Well that's a no-brainer! I'm already taking the time out of my busy schedule to get all the way up to Aberdeen, and you're telling me I can drive both cars for an extra $75? Sold.

I was essentially in the Ferrari and Lamborghini line at the same time (you get little cards with numbers on them), and the Ferrari came up first. My wife and 2-year old daughter told me to have fun and go fast, and I hopped in the drivers seat. As we waited for the Lamborghini to finish on track, the instructor and I got to talking about similar experiences, and I said I had done a little bit of autocross and some Skip Barber Racing School back in the day. I told him I would go as fast as he'd let me. Luckily, he had the perfect response - as long as I'm in control, I can go as fast as I want.

As the Lamborghini exited the track, the instructor gave me the green light. On the gas, and I'm actually driving a Ferrari!!! Oh man it sounded wonderful. Up through 1st, to 2nd, to turn 1, hard on the brakes, tires squealing with great brake feel. A long right-hander follows. I'm still getting used to the car, but as I give it more and more speed, the handling just feels wonderful. The right hand turn tightens up, and switches quickly to a tightish left-hander, but then it's a little bit of a straightaway, then hard on the brakes again and into a long right hander leading back on to the main straight.

After getting used to the car that first lap, I really cranked it up for the rest of the four laps. I was getting it up to third gear by the end of the straight before jamming the brakes and getting back into second. And through the turns, I was getting the car right up to the limit of adhesion. It felt so light and nimble, and so responsive to the steering and throttle inputs. Just amazing.

On the last lap in the Ferrari, I went a little wide through turn one and ran over a few cones. The instructor didn't seem too upset about it, which was good. When I got back to the pit, it became clear that I took the cones with me, and the people had to spend a few minutes fishing cones out of the front of the car. :-) Oops.

Next up was the Lamborghini. Just sitting there waiting, blipping the throttle and hearing that growl, was super cool on its own. On track, I started pushing earlier in the Lamborghini session since I already knew the track. It was pretty nimble too, and was certainly great, but compared to the Ferrari it had a little bit less steering feel. On the exit of one of the corners, as I got onto the gas, the back end got out a little bit. It was a pretty small moment - just a quick steering correction and everything was back in line. When we pulled back into the pits though, the instructor said it was the first time all day that he had a little heart attack. :-)

My wife said you could see the two of us with huge grins on our faces, as we brought the car back in at the end of the run. I'm sure it was pretty funny to the spectators too, hearing the car squealing all over the track after seeing most of the people just poke around the track slowly.

The whole experience was amazing. The only downside was that I didn't do much "soaking in" of the fact that I was actually driving these awesome cars. I was just spending all my time concentrating on going fast. I don't really mind it, because pushing the cards that hard was awesome. It was great that they let me go that fast. Both cars, particularly the Ferrari, were just so outstanding at the limit. So much better than I expected, which is actually kind of funny because what else would you want out of a supercar? It opened my eyes to what makes these cars so great though. I'm hoping I'm now on some kind of e-mail list for deals from Gotham Dream Cars, cause I'd love to do it again in the future.